
Showing posts from October, 2022

Measures To Increase Breast Milk Supply | By Star Of Baby

  Many women face the lack of milk production for some reasons. It can be due a lack of proper diet, stress, a lot caffeine intake, smoking and other reasons. Some nursing moms use some home remedies to increase milk supply while others change their lifestyle to get a good production of breast milk. Star of Baby is here with some practices that will help you to increase breast milk supply. What are the measures to increase breast milk supply ? 1. Massage: Massaging will help you to ease clogging and milk ducts. It will help to improve blood circulation that will stimulate the breast tissues to increase the breast milk supply. 2. Wear comfortable: Switch to nursing bras. It will be more comfortable to wear. Nursing bras are designed without strings that help the breast to stay relaxed and you won’t feel uneasiness. Wearing a comfortable bra may help to increase breast milk supply. 3. Stay relaxed: Nursing moms need to stay calm and relaxed. Avoid stress as it reduces t...

What are natural tethers for babies?

  Teething can be painful for some babies. Babies feel uncomfortable and sensations in their gums. This sensation can make the baby fussy and cry. Teething can occur between the ages of 4 months to 2 years. At this time babies need something, they can chew through their gums. This is the reason babies chew their hands and other things, whatever they get near them. Teething symptoms [1]  and effects are different in different babies. Some babies experience red and swollen gums while some decrease their appetite and drool and some babies don’t experience any of them. Parents need something that their baby chews without risking his/her health. There is a large variety of tethers for babies in the market. These tethers can help the baby to relax and to reduce the sensations of their gums. You can use the following teething remedies to help your baby relieve from the sensation and irritation of teething. (Always consult your pediatrician before going ahead with any teething remedy)...

Breastfeeding: Let’s talk about benefits of breastfeeding

  1. All nutrients to the baby:   Many healthcare professionals recommend breastfeeding for at least 6 months. Breast milk provide all required nutrition to the baby as it contains everything that a baby needs for his/her growth. Also, breast milk changes its composition according to the baby’s needs. For example on the very first day after giving birth, you will produce thicker milk that seems yellowish in colour. This milk is known as colostrum. Colostrum is loaded with all benefits that can’t be replaced with any other thing. This first milk is a boon for every new born baby. This milk is easy to digest and is high in protein. 2. Baby gets antibodies from breast milk: Breast milk is the best source to provide antibodies to the baby. Antibodies help the baby to fight diseases. It prevents babies from viruses and bacteria. Babies need extra care and protection during the early months. It is colostrum that provides a large number of antibodies to the new born baby...

When can you get the early sign of pregnancy?

When can you get the early sign of pregnancy ?  The last menstrual period is considered as the first week of pregnancy , whether you weren’t actually pregnant yet as the first week of pregnancy is based on the time of your last menstrual period and the delivery date is expected and calculated using the first day of your last period. This is the reason that you cannot experience the early sign of pregnancy in the first week of your pregnancy. Early pregnancy symptoms : While pregnancy tests and ultrasounds are the only way to find out about the pregnancy. Even then some signs and symptoms also make you realize that about your pregnancy. A missed period is one of the most common early signs of pregnancy but the symptoms can vary from woman to woman. The early sign of pregnancy may include morning sickness, fatigue, constipation, sore breast, etc. Some other signs of pregnancy are the following: 1)Nausea 2)Mild cramping and spotting 3)Mood swings 4)High body temperature ...