Measures To Increase Breast Milk Supply | By Star Of Baby

 Many women face the lack of milk production for some reasons. It can be due a lack of proper diet, stress, a lot caffeine intake, smoking and other reasons. Some nursing moms use some home remedies to increase milk supply while others change their lifestyle to get a good production of breast milk. Star of Baby is here with some practices that will help you to increase breast milk supply.

What are the measures to increase breast milk supply?

1. Massage: Massaging will help you to ease clogging and milk ducts. It will help to improve blood circulation that will stimulate the breast tissues to increase the breast milk supply.

2. Wear comfortable: Switch to nursing bras. It will be more comfortable to wear. Nursing bras are designed without strings that help the breast to stay relaxed and you won’t feel uneasiness. Wearing a comfortable bra may help to increase breast milk supply.

3. Stay relaxed: Nursing moms need to stay calm and relaxed. Avoid stress as it reduces the breast milk supply.

4. Check on medication: Sometimes excessive medication may reduce milk production. If you are taking birth control pills, stop it anyway.

5. Nursing from both sides: Feed your baby from both of your breasts. Once your baby finishes feeding with one, switch to the other side. It will help you to produce an adequate amount of milk supply.

6. Use breast pumps: Expressing yourself with breast pumps can help you a lot with increasing your breast milk supply. Breast pumps stimulate the breast tissues and help you to increase breast milk supply.

7. Nurse frequently: Never go for formula feeding while breastfeeding whenever you feel your baby is hungry, breastfeed them. Milk production is based on demand and supply functions. So, feed your baby frequently, the more you feed, the more you will produce.

8. Take a vacation: Take leave from your work at least for 2-3 days. Just be with your baby and focus on feeding him with breast milk. Being close to your baby will help you to produce more milk.

9. Healthy diet:  A healthy diet help to fuel breast milk production. You need to opt for Protein rich food. Dairy products, Almonds, Green veggies, and lentils are the powerhouse of nutrients.

Limit caffeinated beverages: Nursing moms need to limit their caffeine intake as Excessive intake of caffeine can harm their babies and can reduce the production of breast milk. Consuming 300 mg of caffeine per day should be the limit.

Stay hydrated: Drinking more liquids helps you to stay nourished and hydrated. Drink a lot of liquids such as coconut water, buttermilk, milk, lemonade and fruit juice. It will quench your thirst and will help you to produce a good quantity of breast milk.


Low milk supply could affect the baby’s health and make them weak. If you have tried all the measures to increase breast milk supply and already having a good diet but still not seeing any improvement in milk production, consult your doctor as soon as possible.



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