By Star of Baby 

When children learn to speak and enter kindergarten, every parent is concerned about only one thing that is, how to increase the reading skills of their kids. In this blog, we will discuss some effective ways to increase the reading skills of kids also we will share 5 components of reading that will help your kids to increase their reading skills.


Parents need to understand that a child does not learn to read overnight, it could be a long process that takes years of practice and commitment for success. However, parents can help in a child’s reading skills by participating in strategies for improving reading skills. Let’s find out some effective ways to increase kids’ reading skills.

Effective ways to increase kids’ reading skills:

1.     You need to set a schedule for your child simply start by having your child read for 10-15 minutes at a time. Then increase the reading time gradually. Make sure they read daily and it becomes their habit it will help them to become a fluent reader.

2.     Reading aloud is one of the most effective ways to learn the different sounds when children are learning to read.

3.     You can buy storybooks for your kids. Children find it interesting to read different types of stories. Growth Diary of Good Kids is a storybook set from Star of Baby that we recommend for your kids. These storybooks will help them to understand the language and will provide them with the best collection of moral-based stories.

4.     You also can help them by asking questions about what they’ve read from the storybooks. It will help to reinforce the information they get from the books.

5.     Help them to understand whatever they read for example if they are reading any moral-based story, you can help them to understand the moral of the story. Tell them what the moral of the story actually means.

6.     Ask them to read even from outside of the books, for example, if you are at the restaurant with your kids, you can ask them to read the menu for you or you can ask them to read the signboards while traveling. Newspaper reading can also help them to increase their reading skills.

Here are the 5 components of reading that will help your child increase reading skills:

Reading skills are based on five components such as phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Working with these components can create strong, rich, and reliable reading abilities in your kids.

1.    Phonics

Phonics is like the very first step of the reading process. Phonics instruction teaches kids to read and spell words.  It allows kids to connect arbitrary symbols on a page to verbally expressed language. No matter if a child has no understanding of the meaning of a word, he/she will still be able to phonetically sound it out.

2.    Phonemic Awareness

Students need an awareness of phonemes before they can make sense of words written on a page. For example, to read the word ‘Rat’ aloud, kids have to know what the phonemes /r/, /a/, /t/ sound like together. Of course, it’s not that easy, phonemes have to overlap and flow together to form fluent speech.

3.    Fluency

Reading fluently allows the readers to read orally with good speed, accuracy, and proper expression. Fluency and comprehension are tied to each other. A child cannot fully understand the meaning and ideas of a text without fluency.

4.      Vocabulary

Children can only take meaning from words they understand. Students who are good with vocabulary are more confident than others.

5.    Comprehension

Comprehension is an important component of reading that helps readers to understand what they have read. It helps them to draw meaning and information from a text that develops their mind and improves their thinking ability.


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